Offering a tailored approach to
service improvement

Regulation 20

Morbi mattis ornare ornare. Duis quam turpis, gravida at leo elementum elit fusce accumsan dui libero, quis vehicula lectus ultricies eu. In convallis amet leo non sapien iaculis efficitur consequat lorem ipsum.


Regulation 29

Morbi mattis ornare ornare. Duis quam turpis, gravida at leo elementum elit fusce accumsan dui libero, quis vehicula lectus ultricies eu. In convallis amet leo non sapien iaculis efficitur consequat lorem ipsum.


Service Improvement

Service improvement can take on many different guises. Sometimes you will know exactly where the issues are but maybe you don't have the capacity or skillset to deal with them. Other times you may just need the reassurance that everything is being done to ensure your serivce runs to the highest possible standard and sometimes it's simply more productive to bring in a 3rd party with a neutral perspective.


Policy Reviews

Policies, Care Plans, Medication Logs, Staff Rotas.... the list is endless! At Knox Care we know that the sheer volume of policies and documentation can get a little overwhelming. Let our team review your current policies to help you understand where the gaps are (or aren't!) and give you peace of mind that you and your team are acheiving the highest possible standard for your service.


Mock Inspections

We know that walk-in inspections can be a worrying time, even if you are completely up to date with all your paperwork. Mock inspections are a great way to put your mind at ease and leave you and your management team safe in the knowledge that any unnacounced inspection won't be a source of worry.


Management Support / Mentoring

Being a manager in care is challenging, even in services that run smoothly! Sometimes it can feel isolating and sometimes you just need that reassurance that you are doing the right thing. Our experience in managing various sized teams has given us a unique perspective into effective management techniques that will facilitate your organisation acheive its full potential with everyone working towards a common goal.

  • Ipsum lorem accumsan
  • Sed vehicula elementum
  • Elit fusce consequat
  • Lorem nullam tempus
  • Adipiscing amet sapien

Magna leo sapien gravida

Gravida at leo elementum elit fusce accumsan dui libero, quis vehicula
lectus ultricies eu. In convallis amet leo sapien iaculis efficitur.